Happy new day!
•Posted on January 03 2022

If you make any new year resolutions, let them contain two things: the falling in love with this earth and with yourself. -Brigit Anna McNeil
I wish I had said this. I do feel it in my bones not just at the new year, but with every quiver of energy that vibrates through my body. I hope we all play these words on a continuous mental loop well beyond January 1. Here we are, enchanted creatures of this earth. We are of the utmost grace and magic, sprinkled with star dust, of and intermingling with the earths energy at all times.
This quote it the perfect tagline for us-- because Gaia Essentials concocts pure, organic as possible, botanical and earth rich creations, supporting the vital, organic nature of your mind, body and spirit.
When you purchase a product from Gaia Essentials, you are activating falling in love with this earth and with yourself. You are choosing products that borrow from our planet's wondrous bounty without depleting her. You are soaking yourself in elements that complement and endow your essential glow.
But you already know. You have mirrored this by becoming a loving member of the Gaia family. Thank you for your support! What an honor it is to serve you.
We love and honor this earth. We love and honor ourselves.
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I can wax on about the gratitude and love I feel for Gaia Essentials. About this miraculous lovefest that I've been submerged in. But let’s get right into some obvious dirt (pun intended. Of course.): what the heck is going on with the logo!
Where do I begin? I hear the knowing words of my elders that have claimed if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I hear the sweet voice of my daughter, who is my wing woman (angel wings that is), and marketing queen extraordinaire, chime in. And I have my own artistic flare crackling and popping within.
Debby has magic. And Debby has kitchen magic. Culinary magnificence magic. She called upon all elements of nature to come together in her Gaia Essentials creations, yet there is a slight but noticeable influence of divine herbs most found in a kitchen window: sweet basil, sage, coriander, lavender. nutmeg, fennel, rosemary… and I concur, what’s not to love? They are powerful remedies! The Gaia Essential's logo reflected that with its sturdy green bud housed in a yellow and sometimes orange square. Grounded, strong. Empowered.
I honor her infusion of culinary arts, yet the kitchen itself is not my forte. I will admit, for better or for worse, I am the master of the nutrient dense, organic 15 minute meal. I’d be more inclined to find myself outside, hugging trees and in the gardens making daisy chains. At the very closest. my current workshop spills out into the yard and the brilliant sunshine spills in.
Debby included me in on the secrets of cypress and eucalyptus, of lilac and chamomile. She used rose and geranium, for sure. She turned her back on nothing that wasn’t rich with vitamins and minerals and in possession of aromatherapeutic fragrances. Yet we all have our passions, that which seduces us a little more than other things. And mine is honey scented gardens and fluffy blossoms and delirium inducing jasmines and frangipanis. Pass me the tuberose with a side of plumeria, please.
Adding into the mix: I am a yogini. My head is affixed in how to best be living in harmony and well aligned with nature, in being present, in disciplined and responsible living. Exhausting perhaps, but balanced by a heart inspired by magical mythologies and inspiring pedagogies and sandalwood scented, empowered goddesses fearlessly dancing on a sea of pink lotuses.
And so now you might see. Simone took Debby’s sturdy green bud and blossomed it into a pink lotus. She retained the font, the style, the clarity and the strength and just grew it a little. And that’s how we will be, we at Team Gaia. We absorb all of Debby’s integrity, all of her famous recipes riddled with savvy intelligence. We honor these tried and true formulas. But don’t be surprised if we pull a ylang ylang laden perfume or hydrating rose hydrosol back onto the front burner. There might be a sealants with geranium, soaps with neroli… Not to mention the vibrant fragrances of earth and its sweet medicine: frankincense, sandalwood, seaweeds, salts, neem, mugwort…
So thank you for your patience in my explanation, in our slow roll into the new logo and any other inconvenience you might find during the transition. Hopefully you will embrace the return of Gaia Essentials to the coast and any new sparkles we might add into the mix.
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And there is more. There is so much I crave to share and yet I want to say nothing at all. I want to inspire you with inspiring news and super cool information. And yet I want us to listen to the wilds of nature, the peace in the stars, the wisdom of the ancients.
So until next time, my dear friends, or hopefully before…
happy new every day!